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Eve's Ultimate Juicing Guide

‘Super Juice Me’ Documents Profound Healing Effects of Juicing

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1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

TheVery Best Juicers for 2015

Published on Jan 13, 2015


John from shares with you the best juicers for 2015. In this episode, you will learn which juicer is best for you and why you may want to consider one style of juicer or another.

You will learn about juicers in all different price ranges with a variety of different features. You will discover which juicers best juicer certain produce items and which juicers don't juice certain fruits and vegetables all that well.

Also in this episode, John will share his personal favorite style of juicer with you that allows him to juice nearly daily and save time so he can do everything he does in life.

You will also learn why juicing is so beneficial and why John is committed to drinking fresh fruits and vegetables as well as including them into his diet and lifestyle. 

Learn more about and purchase the juicers mentioned at:

Lequip Mini 110.5 Centrifugal Ejection Juicer

Lequip 215XL (not shown, with large feed chute)

Omega NC800 Horizontal Single Auger

Slowstar Vertical Single Auger with Homogenizing Attachment

Green Star Elite GSE-5000 Twin Gear Juice Extractor

Why do I want  to juice?



Published on Jan 21, 2014



What  are  the  benefits of  juicing?

The Anti-Cancer Green Juice!


Published on Jun 19, 2013


Prevention starts HERE. This green juice is the most alkalizing juice! It's filled with minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and powerful proteins. One a day keeps the doctor away! 

❤2-4 Large Cucumbers
❤Head of Spinach
❤Green Kale
❤Black Dinosaur Kale
❤5-6 Stalks Celery
❤Bunch of Romaine
❤FEW Dandelion Leaves (Note: if you do not want this to be bitter, leave out the dandelion leaves)
❤Juice of 5-8 Lemons 
❤Optional: Thumb of Ginger 

Use your favorite greens. Do not feel that you need to be exact with amounts on the greens. It's the combination of them that matters. Run all ingredients through a juicer, strain, and savor! Happy, healthy, juicing! 

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Quality Home Juicers



Nutritionists tell us that fresh, raw fruits and vegetables are an important natural source of many essential vitamins and minerals. Cooking or storing can easily destroy some of these nutrients. However, the vitamins, minerals, bioflavinoids and enzymes that are present in uncooked fruits and vegetables are the same as those found in their juices. Three 8-ounce glasses of juice can provide the major benefits of up to three pounds of fruit or vegetables.


Unprocessed fruit and vegetable juices are appetite appeasing, yet low in calories. By drinking a glass of this juice before each meal, you'll reduce your desire for starches, sweets and other high-calorie foods.


It's recognized that a diet low in fats, adequate in protein, carbohydrates and abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables, is an effective way to control weight. Here are some surprising facts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: In the United States, vegetables and fruits supply us with 91% of our Vitamin C, 49% of our Vitamin A, and 20% of our iron-- yet less than 10% of our calories. And in pure juice form, these most nutritious of foods taste their best.  We offer several style of juicers to meet your needs. 

L'equip 215 XL Pulp Ejector Juicer

The L’EQUIP™ Model 215XL Big Mouth juicer with its 3 inch feed chute saves you time!


The L'Equip Model 215 XL Juicer is a big mouth juicer designed with convenience in mind.


With a huge 3 inch feed tube, you can even juice apples without slicing.

Automatic pulp ejection means no stopping to clean out the pulp basket.

The 2/3 horsepower rugged- induction style, brushless motor provides the extra power needed when the juicing gets tough.


Omega NC900 - Single Auger Juicer

The Omega Model nc900 Nutrition Center HD Omega's Newest horizontal single gear masticating juice extractor. Using a low speed of 80 RPMs results in minimal heat build up and oxidation promoting healthy enzymes and longer lasting juices. Designed and engineered for health-conscious individuals who want a greater variety in their daily juicing routine, this nc900 has the ability to also juice everything from wheat grass and leafy greens to fruits and vegetables. Not just for juicing, the Nutrition Center turns nuts into nut butters, extrudes pasta, grind coffee and spices, mince herbs and garlic, make baby food and frozen desserts, and extrude soy milk. The 15 Year Warranty – the longest in the Industry – guarantees you’ve purchased “the last juicer you will ever need to own.”


Omega VRT400RHD - Vertical Single Auger Juicer

The Omega VRT400 HD Juicer is Omega's newest single auger Heavy Duty juicer.   Its low speed of 80 RPMs results in minimal heat build up and oxidation promoting healthy enzymes and longer lasting juices.    Designed and engineered for health conscious individuals who want a greater variety in their daily juicing routine, the VRT 400HD has the ability to  juice everything from wheat grass, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables.  It can excels at making nut milks due to the all-new juice tap. In our tests it is the most efficient single auger style juicer to date!

The Omega VRT400HD juicer takes the horizontal single auger design and takes the concept one step further..   


The "heart" of the all-new VRT400HD is the ultem screen. This is what makes the VRT400 Heavy Duty.   The Ultem Screen is 8 times stronger than the normal plastic screen that is included with the VRT330.  We recommend it for people that want to juice daily.  


Green Star Elite Juice Extractor GSE-5000 Juicer 

The all-new Green Star Elite Juice Extractor - The latest Juicer Innovation.


Tribest did it again!  They took the Green Star juicer and made it better... 


As of June 2012, the manufacturer has announced that they improved the warranty on this machine to a full 12 years. This applies to all new and old owners of the GSE-5000.


Very high juice yield 

Hard to believe, but the Green Star Elite has an even higher juice yield than the Green Star GS-1000 or GS-3000!

New design

The Green Star Elite Juicer not only creates heavenly delicious and healthy freshly pressed juice, but the design also meets the aesthetic demands of modern households.

Easier handling!
No more knobs! You simply fasten the twin gear housing using a latch. This simplifies the cleaning!


Omega Twin Gear Juicer TWN30S

Juicing has been pushed to another level with the Omega TWN30S Twin Gear Juicer!

The triturating action crushes, mixes and squeezes produce to release a rich-colored juice that is also richer in nutrients and minerals.

Produce self-feeds as gears rotate inward for an easier juicing process. With an outlet adjusting knob with spring tension, pressure is created in the machine to squeeze out all the juice from the pulp, which means more juice from your produce!


Plus, less pre-cutting of produce is required as the gears chop of fibers to save consumers more time. Includes two juice screens which allow for the adjustment of pulp levels.

Great for extracting juice from fruits, vegetables, wheatgrass, leafy greens and herbs.


The heart of the Omega TWN30S are the two twin gears that make it different than all other Omega juicers. The stainless steel and BPA-FREE nylon gears easily crush, mixes and squeezes produce to release the most nutrients without FIR or magnetic technology.

Preserve Nutrients 

Low-speed, dual gear rotation and spring tension creates pressure to release a concentrated juice with almost no foam.

Twin Gear Technology 

Triturating action crushes, mixes and squeezes produce to release a rich-colored juice that is also richer in nutrients and minerals.

Easy Operation 

Produce self-feeds as gears rotate inward for an easier process. Juice fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and wheatgrass.





Joe "The Juicer" Cross 

Fat ,Sick and Nearly Dead

Top 10 Most Common Juicing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Published on Nov 5, 2013


John from shares with you the top 10 juicing mistakes and how to correct them. In this episode, John shares his juicing Do's and Don'ts with you so you can get on the fast track to improving your energy, health and maximizing your weight loss by using a juicer to include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. After watching this episode you will know 10 things you should and 10 things you shouldn't do when juicing for best results.

The Juiceman's First Video Lecture Ever from 1986

Published on Nov 21, 2013


Jay Kordich, formerly known as the Juiceman, shares his knowledge of juicing to the world right when 'videos' were being invented. This is a very rare video, only seen in the early 1980s. It's a compelling lecture on juicing and the last section at minute 19:00, you will see his first son with him, juicing away at only 2 years old!

Jay's mission is to teach, inspire and motivate each of us to consume fresh juices and raise awareness of the link between diet and health. Juicing is an easy way to introduce the proven health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables into anyone's diet.

Jay Kordich Makes Watermelon Juice

Uploaded on Aug 26, 2011


Jay explains why making watermelon juice is much more nutritious than just eating the watermelon. Plus, it's one of the most refreshing drinks of all time.

Jay Kordich the father of juicing wants you to be healthy. His mission is to teach, inspire and motivate each of us to consume fresh juices and raise awareness of the link between diet and health. Juicing is an easy way to introduce the proven health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables into anyone's diet.

Fully Raw Kristina

My Watermelon Juice Secret!

Published on Jul 4, 2012


Ever wonder how I get my Watermelon Juice to be so deliciously pink?! Here is my secret to making it taste super sweet! 

FullyRawKristina of Rawfully Organic ( and of FullyRaw ( teaches you her secret on how to make the sweetest Watermelon Juice EVER!

Enjoy this special recipe in the hot summer sun as you are playing by the pool, visiting with friends, or even tempting a family member to eat more raw foods! This delightful treat will keep you satisfied and hydrated all summer long!

For more of Kristina's Low Fat Raw Vegan Recipes, please see her non-profit Rawfully Organic Recipe Archive: Please cheer her on...her new book will be released this Summer! HORRAY! 



The Lemon Ginger Blast

Published on Feb 21, 2015


Lou Corona shows you how to prepare his famous Lemon Ginger Blast that he drinks every morning to detoxify, heal, cleanse and energize. For Lou's Products:

Preparation by Lou Corona


Uploaded on Jul 4, 2011



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